Thursday, June 4, 2009

UK doctor provides answers to back problems in India; Chiropractor sets up shop in Goa

Ashley Moraes, my banker friend had a back problem; his regular eight-hour job meant he remains confined to his chair for most part of his duty hours. And to add to it the sedentary life style of his - he does not indulge in regular fitness regime to keep him fit. But now the back pain which was bearable a few months back  had became unbearable, and , he had no option but to make an appointment with an specialist doctor.

Someone suggested to him the new doctor in Margao town who has had been quite successful in getting away with the back pain of a number of patients who have visited them.  So Moraes, went about in search of more information about the new doctors in town which led him to Rafael Medicare Centre on Dr L  Da Costa Bldg, Ascanio Costa Road, behind Grace Church ,opposite Sapana Chambers, Margao

Here he came face to face with Dr Alison Bale and Martin Bale, the British couple.

Dr Alison Bale is a chiropractor and Martin is a Bowen and Trigger Point practitioner. She is one of only two registered chiropractors working full time in India.

The couple has had been coming to India since 2000 It’s nineteen months since Alison started her Goan practice and she says that it is “now flying, the numbers have increased to above the level we originally targeted”.

Bowen Technique was developed by Australian Tom Bowen in the 1950s to 80s, and then by Oswald Rentsch, who still teaches and practises today.

“It is a non-intrusive, gentle and effective hands-on therapy, aimed at promoting healing and pain relief. The technique addresses the musculoskeletal framework, fascia and nerves. It is believed to work by 'retuning' the body's connective tissues to their normal state, unwinding the compensations and imbalances that develop in accordance with our lifestyles and which can cause pain and disease, says Alison.

Bowen can be applied safely in most situations, however some moves are not used during pregnancy. Some of the conditions which people have consulted Bowen practitioners for are:

Sports injuries, anxiety and stress-related problems, back pain, sciatica, spinal problems, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Digestive and bowel problems, Fibromyalgia, CFS and ME, General muscle stiffness, Gynaecological conditions (heavy or painful periods, infertility and fibroids), headaches, earache and migraines, Hormonal imbalances, Joint problems (tennis elbow, frozen shoulder, ankle and knee injuries), Post-dental trauma, TMJ problems and jaw disorders, Post-operative recovery, Respiratory conditions, Repetitive strain injuries.


Martin guides you on what to expect from a Bowen treatment


“You will be consulted about your lifestyle, health and the reason for your visit. The treatment is generally carried out on a couch but can be done seated. The practitioner works directly on skin or through light clothing. Dependent on what is being treated a session will take 30 minutes upwards. Most first sessions concentrate on the back, neck and shoulders.

Many people report relief of symptoms following their first session, although results will vary based on your condition. Most people will be advised to attend for at least a second Bowen session, usually seven days after the first. Many conditions are effectively treated in fewer than five sessions. Musculoskeletal symptoms generally change very quickly although some chronic conditions may require on-going maintenance sessions. Many people choose to have monthly maintenance sessions once the initial complaint has been addressed.


The word means 'done by hand'. Chiropractic is the third largest healthcare profession in the West, after medicine and dentistry. Without using drugs or surgery, chiropractors aim to:

“Correct the alignment of the bones of the spine and other joints, restore nerve function, alleviate pain  and promote self-healing and health.”

Alison uses McTimoney technique, which involves a variety of low-force adjustments delivered solely by the hands of the chiropractor. To patients, it often seems extremely light, as the key to success is in the speed, dexterity and accuracy of the moves.

Because MctTimoney is a low-force technique, it is suitable for people of all ages, including pregnant women.

Chiropractic has been found to be helpful for - Back, neck or shoulder pain, discomfort and stiffness in joints and bones, migraine and tension headaches, Sciatica, Postural problems and Sports and work-induced injuries.

However chiropractic is also a preventative therapy and when used this way can improve health and well-being.

What to expect from a Chiropractic treatment


The first visit will begin with a full case history, including your general health as well as symptoms. With your consent, the history will be followed by a physical examination and tests as appropriate.

If chiropractic is appropriate for you, a proposed treatment plan and any risks associated with your condition will be discussed with you before you commence care.

If Alison, suspects a problem which needs medical investigation, you will be referred to a medical doctor. The first appointment typically takes around 1 hour and may or may not include adjustments.

Follow up appointments last between 15 and 30 minutes. The number of sessions varies, depending on your age, the nature of the problem, and the length of time you've had the problem. However most people see a benefit between two and 10 treatments. Once the initial problem has been resolved, regular check-ups may be indicated to keep your body functioning to its optimum.

As part of the care, Alison provides advice on posture, daily activities and gentle exercises that will help you to help yourself. During a course of treatment, most people feel physical changes as the body re-aligns. Alison will provide you with information on the most common reactions before you commence care.

At Rafael Medicare Centre, we believe that health care ought to be exactly that—care of your health, and not just prevention and treatment of disease but also in providing you with a better quality of life. Our mission, therefore, is to provide advanced, scientifically-validated diagnostics and therapeutics available to help women and men feel and look as healthy as possible as they grow older, says Alison.



About Dr Alison Bale


Alison graduated from the McTimoney College of Chiropractic, UK. She qualified with a First Class Bachelor of Science degree and the award as the leading student in practical and clinical excellence. She is qualified to treat humans and animals.

She is a member of the McTimoney Chiropractic Association and the  College of Chiropractors. 

Her clinic is one of only three in India recognised by the Indian Association of Chiropractic Doctors.

She is registered with the General Chiropractic Council, the UK regulatory body for chiropractors, as an overseas chiropractor.

Alison has published a research paper (Clinical Chiropractic, Volume 8) on chiropractic for the treatment of acute and chronic neck pain


About Martin Bale


Martin has worked as a therapist for seven years, after retiring from a varied career in business. He is qualified to practise Bowen Technique, Reflexology, Sports Massage.

He now focuses on Bowen Technique and Trigger Point therapy.

He trained in Britain and is registered with the Bowen Association of Australia.



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