Friday, May 31, 2019

Urgent: Clean Arambol campaign needs Goa Tourism department's help

100 beer sacks, each containing of 30 to 40 bottles each, remain to be moved from Sweetwater lake in Armabol before the Southwest moonsoon sets in Goa.
Beer bottles are not the only thing which the Clean Armabol Swach Abihyan have collected for the last several weeks, plastic bottles and several others items have been collected and packed in discarded rice bags. They are on need of more rice bags and more volunteers to join the campaign.
Jade Kim, a Korean born Australian citizen, a yoga teacher is the face and the driving force behind the biggest beach cleanup project undertaken in Goa.
The cleanup is not over yet. And all the effort of the team, which is made up of nationals from different nationalities ranging from France, Australia, Russia, England, and also some local volunteers will be vain if the collected is not lifted from the site on an immediate basis before the rainy season sets in.
Dristi Beach Cleaning servicing have promised help by sending labourers to the sight on Saturday to clear the place, which has turned out to be the biggest beach side garbage dump in any coastal village of Goa.
The panchayat authorities including the sarpanch Dominic has had no role to play to clearing the mess and any calls to him by the volunteers gets a typical response "I am busy with the court cases of the Panchayat.
The restaurants who are also the culprits in littering the garbage and creating the mess are also not cooperating in the drive and some of the people of the area are guilty of burning garbage and adding to the air pollution and global warming up.
The local church help was sought by the volunteers in the clean up drive.
The volunteers are hoping that history does not repeat itself next season and there needs to be an awareness among the local business community and local alike in keeping the place and free of garbage.
The tourists need to be informed and adequate sign boards need to be installed along with dustbins so the garbage is not littered everywhere in the village, says Kim.
And the group has focused their campaign in keeping the area free of plastic and have had launched several eco friendly projects including banana leafs as straws and locally made garbage bins of bamboo sticks to get rid of plastic from several restaurants in the area.

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