Saturday, June 15, 2019


Yoga stories - Exposing Spiritual Frauds & Manipulators.

The story you read bellow has been reported to me by the lady which has been a victim of this horrible man and requested to remain anonymous.
His name is Miter Shree.
A sexual manipulator who claims to be the master of life and yoga philosophy ,best yoga teacher , tantra teacher and great Kama sutra teacher and relationship counsellor , master in giving yoni massage and infinites roles in spirituality and surprisingly he is only interested in women .
He is Indian living mainly in Goa and Rishikesh .
He finds the victims (women who are disempowered and desperately looking for help to evolve and heal , and this person is taking advantage of their vulnerability and manipulates them by making statements like I want to marry with you and you are the perfect woman for me and all the other nonsense to manipulate and seduce the women to do what he wants and to have sex with him the way that he wants ( animalistic and wild ).
His teachings of Kamasutra begins with taking you in group sex with 2 men in the first stage and then 5 men and in the final stage with 13 men just to awaken the animalistic nature in you and take you beyond sexual moralities since he says if you want to learn Kamasutra , the first step is openness and being beyond sexual moralities .
He is using women and keeping women around him with his sweet words , because he believes if he has women around him , the other women would trust him easily , and otherwise it’s difficult for women to trust a man for yoni massage and tantric courses and etc ..
His main area of interest is group sex and he claims that his penis creates magic and his presence refines the heart and he also claims that he does the best in whatever he does , but actually he is only great in manipulation .
Be aware of him and please report if you have experience with such shameless man walking freely on earth and manipulating women and talking about love and light all the time unaware of his own darkness that is creating this massive pain for women and for himself .
Sisters , wake up , stop living in an awareness that constantly searching for help from outside , the power is within us .
Don’t give your power away to anyone !
We are all in journey of evolving and growing , let’s be patience in our journey .
Say no to manipulation and trust your intuition, trust your inner voice .
It’s time to stop him and such men who talk about light , but actually deep down their only intention is their own pleasure .
My wish for all of us is to awaken to the truth and learn to set strong boundaries and say no and react to such men and kick them out from our sacred space .


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