Mining trucks and trucks from Karnataka carrying 'sugar' are OK in Goa
Mining trucks and trucks from Karnataka carrying 'sugar' are OK. Nothing surprising many Goans know how your government works as much as you and I do.
My heart goes out to feel sorry for you more than it does to all the lesser privileged Indians fighting for their daily bread in this covid times.

*The #hypocrisy of the Goa government led by #PramodSawant*
All Goans stay at home, as per PM's request. However, hundreds of air polluting mining trucks allowed to transport ore with no precautions during lockdown and in violation of existing guidelines of 25 trucks per hour.
Better way to kill people than Covid19.
Here's an email appeal from the tribal population of Caurem and the Tribal Association of Goa (GAKUVED). Please share on all Goa groups:
"We are are writing this e-mail on behalf of Villagers of Caurem of *Quepem* taluka which is a mining affected village. Caurem is a tribal village and we have experience of our past that when it comes to the rights of the
tribals, all the laws are being compromised to benefit few powerful and rich people.
Grievance raised by the Caurem villagers Today (22.04.2020) we are observing uncontrolled mining transportation from TC 59/51 which is being carried out by Minescape Minerals Pvt Ltd. Hundreds of laden and unladen trucks are plying on the village roads and it is very difficult for the villagers to even cross the road. The present transportation is posing high risk to the life and health of the villagers.
The authorities are well aware that the Nation is following a lockdown due to COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore we as a villagers are very shocked to see the gross ignorance of the authorities which has failed to notice that the mining company, Minescape Minerals Pvt Ltd (TC 59/51) is allowing the mining trucks to violate all the traffic rules making roads congested and also undermines the other laws in force. Overtaking by the trucks is an all time event happening at high slope at 'Bhindivoil - Caurem'. To justify this, We have a case. You may ask the mining company or Megasoft to provide records such as time of loading, time of trip sheet generated, numbers of trucks overtaken during the route on 22.04.2020 by the truck bearing registration number GA - 09 - U - 0869. The said truck was found overtaking other trucks.
Beside this, there is no social distance is bbeig maintained by the truck drivers as well as by the mine staff at the mine site. The truck drivers are usually seen in groups without wearing masks during their waiting period. Many of these drivers are not native of this State and there are chances of spreading the infection of COVID-19 through these non-native drivers.If any untoward incident happens, then the authorities should be held responsible.
Recently, a news was circulated through local dailies that only 25 trucks per hour will be allowed on village roads. Contrary to this, we are observing about 200 laden trucks plying per hour on the village roads. This makes the mockery of lock down. We all are aware that the COVID-19 positive cases in our neighboring States are increasing day by day especially in Belagaum district of Karnataka State, we were expecting the authorities to be very cautious about the movement of people. But unfortunately we are shocked to see such a negligence by the authorities when it comes to the greed of the mining corporates.
In view of the above GAKUVED FEDRATION demands that the authorities should take urgent necessary urgent steps at their end. If any law and order situation arises due to panic situations, then the authorities will be held responsible.
Anticipating your early action in this regard to avoid the occurrence of any untoward incident.
Thanking You
General Secretary,
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